
Ergonomics  is the science of fitting workplace conditions to a user’s needs to reduce discomfort and avoid the risk of injury. The right 'fit' can also increase job satisfaction and productivity. The California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 8 §5110 also requires all employers to have an ergonomic program. The CSUDH Ergonomics Program is designed to improve employee well-being through the reduction of workplace discomfort and the identification and control of ergonomic hazards that may result in Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)

Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are injuries and disorders that affect the human body’s movement or musculoskeletal system – muscles, bones, joints, and connective tissue. These disorders may result in pain and loss of function and are among the most disabling and costly conditions in the United States.


Ergonomics ProgramErgonomic Evaluation

Safety Tips:

Healthy Vision at the Computer

Stretch Break Exercises:

Back StretchesLower Body StretchesNeck, Arm & Shoulder Stretches

Ergonomic and Injury Prevention (EIP) Cost Sharing Program:

CSUDH EIP Program Application 

For questions or comments, please contact Dawn Tabua at